Welcome to the WEHC registration page. You can register for the WEHC by clicking here.

When you register, the fees will first appear without 25% VAT, which will be added later during the registration process. The table below presents the approximate prices with VAT and the deadlines for Early Bird and Regular fees. The last day for an early bird price is February 15th 23:59 (CET). The last day to register (at all) is June 2nd.

Category When? Fee (SEK), including VAT 25% Approx. (€), depending on exchange rate
Participants fees (early bird) Until 15 February 4,100 360
Participants fees (regular) 16 February – 1 May 4,800 420
Participants fees (late) 2 May - 2 June 5,500 480
Student fees (early bird) Until 15 February 2,100 180
Student fees (regular) 16 February – 1 May 2,400 210
Student fees (late) 2 May - 2 June 2,800 240
Welcome reception, food and drinks - 170 15
Congress reception, food and drinks - 170 15
Lunches, each - 150 13